CARPO report Returning to Transitional Justice in Yemen A Backgrounder on the Commission on the Forcibly Retired in the Southern Governorates
Khaled Al-Abbadi @IbnAbbadi (Advocate for South Yemen) twitter highlights on the CARPO REPORT 03: "Returning to Transitional Justice in Yemen" - by Jens Kambeck
The report points out that even with foreign funding, the Yemen regime cannot bring itself to compensate South Yemen
This report only proves for those in #South Yemen that Yemen unity cannot produce a just outcome for both nations.
This report leaves out that first tranche of Qatar donation spent on other issue and not on South Yemen. According to the journalist Peter Salisbury, the Qatar donation didn't make it to the people of South Yemen.
None was distributed, part of the 20 trust building measures prior to NDCs. How is MORE funding going to fix this?
Aside from how paltry (100,000 was given to each person with valid claims) is for 21yrs of forced unemployment, report doesn't address full happenings of donation
Which is the main reason international donors hesitant to fund initiative. Yemeni government is inept, inefficient, corrupt
This corruption is systematic, a modern byproduct of North Yemen tribal hierarchies where South Yemen is the bottom
In term of the author & the Commissioners make plea for international participation in management of the fund. So foreign $$ needs foreign management (to compensate South Yemen) because North Yemen government has sticky fingers? Great sign of unity
Maybe just separate South Yemen government is the solution
CARPO report Returning to Transitional Justice in Yemen A Backgrounder on the Commission on the Forcibly Retired in the Southern Governorates
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