Memorandum to the UN envoy, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed From President Ali Salem Al-Beidh and Mr Abdulrahman Al-Jifri
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
HE Mr. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed
Representative of the Secretary-General and his Special Envoy in Yemen
We applaud the UN Security Council's efforts and your efforts, and the effort of our brothers in Kuwait and all the Arab Coalition, the Gulf Cooperation Council states (GCC), the Arab League, and the international community (18 state sponsors), to achieve a peaceful solution to the conflict in Yemen in accordance with international, regional and local authorities .. we stress the following:
1. The issue of South Arabia (South Yemen) is an independent national issue which spanned the two previous decades and precedes the issue of power struggle in Sana'a between our brothers in Yemen (North Yemen).
2. Our people in South Arabia (South Yemen) have presented convoys of martyrs and wounded during our peaceful national Hirak revolution which has escalated since its beginning on July 2007 -- that culminated in 14 million man marches and then an unprecedented sit-in for more than five months in the southern capital city of Aden and in Mukalla, which lasted from October 14, 2014 to March 26, 2015.
All of these peaceful events were/are for the purpose of liberation and independence for the South and to build a new federal state of South Arabia over the entire land of South Arabia (South Yemen) and its internationally known pre 1990 borders.
3. A new invasion of the south by the Houthi and Ali Abudullah Saleh forces lead all the Southern people of all classes to take up arms in defense of the land and honor and even managed to achieve victory with the support of the Arab coalition that came to restore the legitimacy of the Yemeni Government, requested by its president.
4. To further clarify the picture, which no doubt you are familiar with many of its details, we would like to remind you of the document titled the "southern issue" that we signed on April 8, which at the time you received a copy of written in both Arabic and English.
5. The enforcement of the will of the people of South Arabia (South Yemen) is an obligation under the Charter of the United Nations and current international law and binding under paragraph (1) of Article (1) of the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which the Republic of Yemen is a party to these two international agreements and is bound by those provisions.
6. The southern issue and its objectives, is a just cause, it is also a pivotal issue in the region, and that achieving peace, stability and development in the region and its surroundings depends on solving it with a solution that achieves the will of the southern people in the liberation and independence and in building a new federal State of South Arabia, on its full land and internationally known borders.
Our nation will not accept any form of unity, after all it has suffered from oppression, murder, destruction, looting of its wealth, exclusion and marginalization, and the export of terrorism into its territory since unification and forced continuation of unity.
7. We are keen to tear down the walls of hatred and oppression and rebuild the bridges of affection and shared interests between our people in South Arabia and our brothers in Yemen that were destroyed by the practices and the imposition by force a rejected unity.
8. We will maintain excellent relations with our Arab region and established relationships of mutual interests with the world to achieve peace based on justice in our region and the world.
9. We anticipate and look forward with hope that you come up with a peaceful solution to the crisis and conflict in Yemen, a solution that will validate the right, invalidate the wrong and end the bloodshed .... And then you do your positive part as members of the international and regional community, to enforce the will of the people of South Arabia provided for by the Charter of the United Nations and current international law through negotiations between representatives of the cause of the people of South Arabia (South Yemen) and between our brothers in Yemen (North Yemen) to achieve the goals of the people of South Arabia and establish together fruitful relationships between the two brotherly nations and neighbors and to achieve and develop the common interests between the two nations to replace the disputes and conflicts. There's no doubt that in ending those conflicts the people of South Arabia will achieve their legitimate objectives, which they are determined to achieve, but with more wounds that produce walls of hatred and hinder building bridges of friendship and common interests.
10. We applaud the continued commitment of our people, women and men, young and old ... and all classes, for their peaceful activities and determination to support their cause and achieve their just national goals.
We also salute the local southern authorities for their commitment to fighting terrorism and corruption, and we call on our people in South Arabia and its heroic Southern Resistance to stand together to achieve security and defeat terrorism and corruption. We also call on the international and regional community to provide support for our people and the Arab Coalition to fight terrorism and corruption.
Please accept our sincere appreciation and prayers for success in all your endeavors to stop the bloodshed and doing what's right.
Mercy to our martyrs, healing for our wounded, and freedom for our prisoners.
President Ali Salem Al-beidh
Abdulrahman Ali bin Mohammed Al-Jifri
President of the Interim Southern National Commission for liberation and independence
President of the South Arabia Liberation Party
المذكرة بالعربي
Memorandum to the UN envoy, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed From President Ali Salem Al-Beidh and Mr Abdulrahman Al-Jifri
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